Border Surge in July

The latest numbers from the southern border reveal a staggering reality of the Biden administration’s failed immigration policies. CBP sources have confirmed that a jaw-dropping 130,000+ migrants were encountered by Border Patrol alone last month. On top of that, an additional 50,000+ were encountered by CBP Officers at the ports of entry, bringing the total for July to a shocking 183,000+ encounters.

The situation is further exacerbated by the fact that there are currently over 17,000 migrants in CBP custody. These numbers are extremely alarming and demonstrate the complete inability of the Biden administration to effectively manage the border crisis.

What’s even more concerning is that these numbers come during the supposedly slower months due to the intense heat. One can only imagine the chaos that awaits as the temperature cools down and the migrant flow increases during the busier months.

This surge in migrant encounters highlights the failure of the Biden administration to handle the border crisis properly. Despite promises of a more compassionate and humane approach, the reality on the ground is far from it. The border situation is spiraling out of control, and the administration seems to be turning a blind eye to the consequences of their misguided policies.

This wave of illegal immigration not only poses a national security risk but also puts immense strain on border resources, facilities, and personnel. The CBP agents on the frontlines are facing an overwhelming challenge, and their efforts seem to be in vain as the administration lacks a coherent strategy to deal with the issue effectively.

The numbers from June showed a slight decrease in encounters, but that was evidently just a temporary respite. Now, in July, the encounter numbers have spiked again, making it clear that the administration’s approach is failing to deter illegal migration.

It is time for the Biden administration to take accountability for their actions and implement policies that protect the sovereignty and security of the United States. The border crisis requires urgent attention and a comprehensive strategy that addresses both the immediate challenges and the underlying issues causing this surge.

In conclusion, the Biden administration’s handling of the border crisis is a clear failure, evident from the soaring number of migrant encounters and the overcrowded CBP facilities. Urgent action is needed to regain control of the situation and protect the interests of the nation.

Eagle Pass TX - July 20th

Johan Reijnders & Jordan Elliot Michael Reijnders Assaults Journalist Documenting Trans Rally – Fresno CA

Josh Fulfer of Oreo Express went to document the “Queer & Trans Youth Autonomy” Rally in Fresno Ca, on March 31st. The Rally was held on the corner of Blackstone and Nees in N/E Fresno. It didn’t take but a few minutes of filming before he was assaulted, blocked from documenting the event, and pushed out into the street multiple times from a pair of far left activists who have a history of trying to intimidate and harass folks that are christian or conservative. The video posted on Youtube & Rumble from March 31st shows the left wing agitators trying to block the camera, block his right to travel on a public sidewalk, as well as chest bumping him and assaulting him on numerous occasions. At one point while Josh was trying to document the event, one of the assaults caused some of Josh’s equipment to become unmounted, breaking a $140 battery. After about 30 minutes, a Fresno Police Officer driving by the protest, noticed what was going on, stopped and engaged with the parties. The officer called for back up and once the sergeant arrived on scene, he was informed of the details. The sergeant reviewed the Oreo Express footage and asked Josh if he would like to make a citizens arrest for P.C. 242 (Assault & Battery), which Josh did. The officers waited for the event to finish up before asking Josh to walk over to Johan & Jordan Reijnders and inform them that they were being placed under citizens arrest. Officers then put Johan & Jordan in the back of the police car and had Josh Sign the arresting citation.

Johan Reijnders pictured above

Jordan Reijnders pictured above.

Many might remember Johan and Jordan from the protest in Tower District where far left extremists were protesting Adventure Church every Sunday. For months, these 2 were out in front of Adventure Church harassing the congregates that were attending Sunday service, many times taking photos and video of the children entering and exiting the church. This was done in an attempt to get folks to stop showing up to the Sunday services at Adventure Church. They would also stand in front of the church continually repeating “God Bless Trans Gender Vets” . During this time, 3 of the folks that were part of their protest were also cited for assault. They also went to great lengths to cover their identity while harassing the christian church.

Stay tuned in the coming days. We will be doing a video as well.

Thank You,

Oreo Express Media Team


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